We've listened to the voices of the community, and we've heard one demand over and over again: greater connectivity in our city core. To meet that demand, we are pleased to introduce TED, the Trolley of Evansville Districts. The idea for TED was developed as a collaborative effort between several civic organizations including the Franklin Street Events Association, Haynie's Corner Arts District Association, and the Growth Alliance for Greater Evansville, to bring a much-needed piece of connectivity to support the vibrant and growing districts of Evansville. Our eventual plan is to have several TEDs for Evansville's neighborhoods, but to get this project off the ground we need YOUR SUPPORT!
Just $1 to ride, or buy a yearly pass for only $25!

Friday: 6:00 PM - 1:00 AM | $1 per person, per ride
Saturday (DAY) 11:00 AM - 5:00 PM | Free All Day!
Saturday (NIGHT) 6:00 PM - 1:00 AM | $1 per person, per ride